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Shikshak Parv 2022-23 Celebration, Activities, Guidelines, Registration

Shikshak Parv 2022-23 Details: The Ministry of Education and the Government of India (GoI) celebrate Teacher’s Day every year in the month of September which starts on the 5th of September as Teacher’s Day. Current Year, Shikshak Parv 2022 is being celebrated from 5th September to the entire month of September. The following activities are to be done during the Shikshak Parv:

Demonstration after talks on ‘Innovative Pedagogy’ for teachers in each school for one hour on any day between 6th to 30th September 2022:

Demonstration sessions should be based on teaching the topic of a selected subject of any grade in an innovative, enjoyable, and engaging manner. Schools are requested to take 4 to 5 photographs of the session and upload them on the official portal at Vidya Amrit Portal (Link Given Below) along with a short article (not exceeding 500 words).

Senior Students may act as Teachers on 5 September 2022

  • In each school, some senior students from within the school may be selected by the teachers to become teachers for the rest of the classes on Teacher’s Day. Classroom engagements can cover all curricular areas including arts, physical education, etc.
  • An orientation program on ‘How to engage children to learn with joy’ may be organized by some teachers for these senior students. Every selected student should get at least one period to teach. Efforts should be made to provide opportunities to as many school students as possible.
  • The student teachers who receive the best feedback from the children in the classrooms can also be given a certificate of recognition by the school. Feedback may be taken on the student’s performance by the regular teachers on the next day.
  • Teachers can be encouraged to take selfies with student representatives (as teachers on Teacher’s Day) and post them on social media platforms with the hashtag #humareyteachersabsaybest.

Uploading of Videos on Innovative Pedagogy by the School Teachers on Vidya Amrit Portal (15 September 2022 to 31 October 2022)

  • School teachers can be requested to upload their videos on innovative Pedagogy on the official portal Vidya Amrit Portal. Ratings (in the form of stars) will be provided by the viewers on these videos.
  • The video and its uploading guidelines are available in Annex 1.

Vidya Amrit Micro Improvement – Innovative Pedagogy Competition

What is Micro Improvement?

It is a collection of small steps that lead to the desired improvement in learning outcomes. Short-term objectives are broken down into manageable action steps called micro-improvements. These small steps have the potential to make significant and lasting changes in the teaching-learning and evaluation process.

Why Micro Improvement – Innovative Pedagogy?

In line with NDEAR’s ‘learn-do-practice’, the primary objective of micro-reforms is to make the improvement process easy, simple, and achievable for every teacher and leader in the education system.

One of the key recommendations of the New Education Policy 2020 is to promote innovation in all areas of education. With learning and innovation skills being highly recognized in the 21st century, it is imperative that the school environment provides opportunities for teachers and teacher-educators to innovate. To encourage students to think out of the box, teachers first need to move away from the traditional classroom setting. They need to think outside the box and textbooks.

The primary objective/aim of the Innovative Pedagogy Competition 2022-23 is to acknowledge teachers who have already stepped out of their comfort zone and used innovative pedagogical practices. The goal is also to inspire and motivate other teachers to start innovating. “To make a meaningful change in the way we work, don’t start with a giant challenge. Start small”.

Shikshak Parv Competition 2022-23 Process

There are broadly 5 stages in this competition:

  • Register
  • Engage
  • Document
  • Evaluate
  • Celebrate

Details of 5 Stages in Shiksha Parv 2022-23

RegisterActivities: All States/UTs will prepare a project titled
“Innovative Pedagogy” for micro-reforms.

Participants: Teachers and teacher
educators will be allowed to contribute.

Beneficiaries Details: Teacher and Teacher Teacher
Mandatory Update Profile with pre-requisite details.
Video Submissions = 2 weeks
Submission outreach at State Level = 1 month
State Level Review = 2 Weeks
Central Review = 2 weeks

Pre-outreach: The outreach will focus on registration
and the primary goal is to create awareness to increase participation.

Ongoing Outreach: Outreach that will focus on the duration
the program is run so that users can rate submissions.

Submissions: Submissions must be made in the video
format (maximum size 50 MB, no more than 5 min.

Evidence (optional): Evidence supporting a micro-improvement
the project can be submitted in either video (MP4) or
document (PDF) format.

Accessibility: The micro improvement project can only
be accessed through the mobile application via

i. Project Tile
ii. Link
iii. QR Code
EvaluateEvaluation: Each State shall constitute a State Evaluation Committee
for State level evaluation and a Central Evaluation Committee
for evaluation of final entries. The evaluation process
will be done at 3 levels.

1St Level Review: Each State Evaluation Committee reviews the
submissions and publishes the qualified content on DIKSHA.

2nd Level Review: Extensive outreach of the qualified
content is done for a month. The top 3 submissions are
selected from the top 15 star-rated content and are
sent to the Central Evaluation Committee.

3rd Level Review: The Central Evaluation Committee selects the
top 10 entries from the entries submitted by the states.

Submissions to be evaluated on the following parameters
• Relevance
• Creativity
• Transferability
• Involvement
• Impact
CelebrateThe top 10 contributions are to be acknowledged and awarded.

Important Link for Shikshak Parv 2022-23

Official NotificationClick Here
Vidya Amrit PortalClick Here
CDE HomepageClick Here

You are requested to share the above information among the students and teachers of your school and encourage them to participate in the above activities during the Shikshak Parv 2022-23.

We hope you like this article about Shikshak Parv 2022-23. If you want to ask any queries regarding the Shikshak Parv 2022-23 then message us in the comment section, and we will reply to you soon. Share this article with your Friends, Teachers, and Parents.

My Name is Mukesh Kumar. I am a Teacher, Blogger, Educational Content Writer, and Founder of CBSE Digital Education.

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